How it works

We've made it easy for you to share their story and honour their life.

An Illustration displaying a collage of photos, images and writing - from someone preparing to produce a memorial film.

Capture life stories

The first step is to write down your loved ones’ life story which can often be derived from the eulogy, and collect pictures and media that help tell that tale.

Once you have uploaded the text and pictures, we do the rest, piecing it all together with narration, music and graphics and crafting it into a short memorial that captures the essence of your loved one's life journey.

An Illustration of an older lady using a laptop computer to upload images to

Preserve for generations

`Making a short film memorial offers an enduring and tangible way for you to document their life, preserving pictures, heritage, achievements and family connections.

Honouring and preserving their life story and imagery like this ensures that younger family members or future generations can get to know your loved one even long after they have gone.

An Illustration of a boy phone scanning a QR code plaque on a bench and accessing a memorial film on

Share with loved ones

The film can be easily shared with anyone, anywhere, perhaps family living far away or people who couldn't attend the funeral service, allowing viewers to relive precious memories and celebrate their life

Connecting the film to a QR code, engraved on to a memorial plaque is another way to share it with loved ones and make an indelible tribute dedicated to their memory.

An illustration of a  young Lady works at a computer preparing a memorial film on

“Life is a story, write well, edit often.”

There are many different ways to tell your story, you could try a linear beginning to end journey, a collection of anecdotes, or simply a collage of images and videos across their life.

It’s really is up to you, the platform we’ve built is there to help you create a memorable and indelible film to convey the story of who they were, how you want to tell it.

An Illustration of a phone accessing a memorial film on

You’re in the driving seat.

You get to choose the imagery that tell your story, but also have the creative freedom to select the voice to narrate it, the music to accompany it and the style in which the pictures and the video appear.

Try to connect the images and videos you use to the story as much as possible to make the experience more engaging and meaningful for the viewer.

Learn about their life…

Below are a few examples of stories we have produced and our customers have kindly allowed us to share.

  • "They brought all these photos and memories to life. I love it I've shared it with so many people. I couldn't be happier with the service they provided."

    Joan, Leeds, Uk 2023

  • "I wanted something to share with family abroad as although he was born in England he lived most of his life in France and many couldn't make the funeral. I was very happy I could share something to commemorate him that will live on."

    Andrew, Lannoy, France 2023

  • "Photos, dates, stories all fade or are lost over time and my children were too young really to know their grandad. I wanted to create something that can stand the test of time and that they can show their grandkids."

    Ed, Manchester 2023

  • "It was a very easy process from beginning to end and we have a lovely memorial plaque on the bench we commissioned. I've seen strangers scan the QR code and watch the film and it makes me very happy to know people know his story."

    Sian, Altrincham 2023

  • "My Mum was such a larger than life character and its difficult to convey that through pictures. The film Lasting Legacy created with our videos and pictures captures her so well."

    Paul, Harrogate 2023

  • "It's like she has her own "This is your Life" book online, forever."

    Georgia, London, 2023

Choose your package



Memorial Film

  • Short Memorial Film up to 8 minutes in length:

    Up to 16 chapters story (1200 words)

    Story and image guidance

    Choice of 5 music beds

    Choice of 4 narration voices

    Choice of 3 animation styles

    Can include images and video

    Unique memorial page link

    10 year hosting

    1-1 support and 3 sets of amends

    1 week turnaround time on the film

    Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque and mount included




Memorial Film

  • Short Memorial Film up to 6 minutes in length

    Up to 14 chapters story (1000 words)

    Story and image guidance

    Choice of 5 animation styles

    Choice of 4 narration voices

    Choice of 3 animation styles

    Choice of 3 fonts

    Can include images and video

    Unique memorial page link

    Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque included

    1-1 support and 3 sets of amends

    1 week turnaround time on the film



Memorial Film

  • Short Memorial Film up to 6 minutes in length

    Up to 14 chapters story (1000 words)

    Story and image guidance

    Choice of 5 animation styles

    Choice of 4 narration voices

    Choice of 3 animation styles

    Choice of 3 fonts

    Can include images and video

    Unique memorial page link

    Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque included

    1-1 support and 3 sets of amends

    1 week turnaround time on the film

Keep their memory alive